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Month: September 2011

  • Cadastre Land Records

      ZVA has acquired copies of many cadastre records for the villages of Zichydorf, Györgyháza, Setschanfeld, Gross Gaj, Ürményháza, and Heideschütz for various years. These are records of property ownership…

  • 17-1 January 2012

    MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Just a reminder that ZVA annual dues of $10 are based on the calendar year. Please check your dues status on the web site. Go to Your Profile…

  • Lorraine (France, Germany)

    Title: L’émigration des lorrains vers le Banat et la Batschka au 18éme siecle 1750/1803 (Emigration of Lorrainers to the Banat and Batschka in the 18th century 1750-1803)