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Donauschwaben History

Title: Our Family History: A Story of Our Donauschwaben Ancestors in the Banat

Author: Erv & Bonnie Schuster

Year: 2023

Media Type: Memory stick

Lending Status: Borrow

How Acquired: Donated by Erv & Bonnie Schuster

Review /Description: This work was created as a series of videos for Erv’s and Bonnie’s Banat families. Although created as a family history, the first few videos are very general in nature and should benefit anyone with an interest in Banat. The sections about Banat history are very well done, although I might quibble with some small details. One video includes substantial pictures and video from our 2014 Banat tour, in which Erv and Bonnie participated. Part of that video includes our visit to the biennial Treffen in Ulm which includes costumed dancers and their procession down to the riverbank from which our ancestors departed. A separate folder contains the maps and charts from the videos for viewing on a computer.

Although created as a family history, the families portrayed are from different areas of the Banat than most of the families followed by patrons of this site. And because the more general sections contain history and culture of broader interest, I will file this acquisition under Donauschwaben.