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Title: Herkunftsorte bzw. – lander der Ansiedler der Banater Gemeinden Grabatz und Kathreinfeld (Origins of the colonists of the Banat communities of Grabatz and Kathreinfeld sorted alphabetically) AND Vorlaufiges Manuskript fur ein Ortsipenbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Grabatz im Banat, Band I & II (Preliminary manuscript for a family book for the parish of Grabatz in Banat, Volume 1 & 2)

Author: Hans Erasmus & Stefan Stader

Year: 1986

Media Type: Book

Lending Status: Reference

How Acquired: ZVA purchase for SGS

Review/Description: The first of these combined efforts is a list of early settlers with information on their origins and families. This is followed by two volumes of families from Grabatz, from which many Zichydorf families came.