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Genealogy Links

Some of the listings below are extractions from Zichydorf church records, or so-called “secondary sources.” While ZVA has great confidence in the people who did these extractions, it is always possible that errors or omissions may have escaped detection. These secondary sources are terrific finding aids, but a serious genealogist will want to compare their results to the original records.

Family groupings compiled from Zichydorf church records on microfilm by Helmut Kaiser.

Family groupings compiled by Kathy Lara from Zichydorf church records on microfilm.  

Genealogy Centre for the National Archives of Canada

Dave Dreyer Extractions: US Customs & Immigration and Passenger lists, Austrian Military Records, North Dakota Banaters

Abbreviations used in Stefan Stader’s Sammelwerk series

Home page of the Mormon Church Family History Library

Border crossing records between the US and Canada

Surname to Soundex converter

Several surname databases

Banat research at FEEFHS

Romanian records and archives

Ellis Island and US census records

US Social Security Death Index

Another US SSDI (site is dormant)

Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands

Donauschwaben Genealogy

Historical and Genelogical information about the fate of the Doanuschwaben at the end of World War II.

25 Essential Websites for Austro-Hungarian Genealogy

German Genealogy at

Donauschwaben info at German Genealogy

Helmut Flacker’s diverse collection of Banat history and genealogical resources.

Bogarosch history and genealogy –