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St. Paul

Title: St. Paul Alien Registrations

Author: Public Safety commission(USA, Minnesota)

Year: 1918

Media Type: Microfilm

Lending Status: Reference

How Acquired: Donated by Harold Miller

Review/Description: These two microfilms (SAM 169, Rolls 304 & 305) detail many of the German people of St. Paul, Ramsay County, Minnesota, who were required to register with authorities due to the First World War. ZVA member Harold Miller has contributed these films, recording the Alien Registration and Declaration of Holdings forms for St. Paul, Minnesota in 1918. St. Paul had a Zichydorf community similar to Saskatchewan’s and many Saskatchewan families had connections to it. In fact, some people who settled in Saskatchewan first spent some time in St. Paul and vice versa. Extractions from these films appear on the ZVA web site, but the films are now available for anyone who wants to do more detailed research or make copies.