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Month: March 2011

  • Zitchydorf Colony

    Shirley Gibbard contributed the following translation from the Special Immigration Editions of Der Nordwestern for 1902 and 1903 that gives information about the Zichydorf Colony. DER NORDWESTERN, Winnipeg, March, 1902…

  • Emigrants and Exiles

    Title: Remember to Tell the Children: Emigrants and Exiles – Book 3 of a trilogy

  • 16-3 September 2011

    ZVA WEB SITE Unfortunately, our web site host has gone out of the business for the third time in our short history. Thanks very much to Mike O”Brien for rescuing…

  • 16-2 March 2011

    EXCITING NEW DISCOVERY! Stasa Cvetkovic has discovered the land records for Zichydorf and the surrounding villages. These include listings of all the landowners and fabulously detailed maps that show where…